In Los Angeles, California, in a world of humans and anthropomorphic animals co-existing, the Bad Guys are a gang of notorious criminal animals led by the cool-headed Mr. Wolf and known for their brazen thefts while eluding the authorities. After being insulted by Governor Diane Foxington on-air, they attempt to steal the
Golden Dolphin award from guinea pig philanthropist Professor Rupert Marmalade IV. During the heist, Wolf takes some free time to pickpocket various people but inadvertently helps an old woman he intended to pickpocket as well and is praised for the good deed, leading to Wolf finding himself affected by his wrongdoings and Marmalade's speech about goodness. After the gang is exposed and arrested, Wolf persuades Marmalade to reform them, planning to take advantage of the pretense to try to steal the award again. Marmalade invites the Bad Guys to his home, but his lessons prove a frustrating struggle with them seemingly unable to adapt to the concept of good behavior.
Duration: 1Hour 40Min
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Language: English
Rating: 7/10